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Jan 16, 2022
In Live Stock Market Trading
Site monitoring is necessary to get regular information about the status of a web resource. If a server error or crash occurs, you will know about it immediately thanks to the monitoring services.Why do we need to check site availabilityIf you don't add a site to monitor accessibility, you risk losing your customers to a resource that doesn't work. The reputation will be tarnished, and if an advertising campaign was launched, you will also lose the money invested.There are many such systems out there, so consider the most common options among webmasters.#1Host-trackerHost-tracker has a user-friendly interface and easy registration. The site monitoring service is free for one month and reports errors by email. To configure, follow the link and specify your email address, which is practical for receiving notifications and a hypertext link to the site: the system checks the site in free version every 30 minutes, and offers to choose the format of notifications that suits Cyprus Mobile Number List you: SMS, e-mail, Skype, Hangout or voicemail.Host-tracker monitoringIn addition to checking the availability of the site, the system will inform you if your domain or IP address is in the DNSBL blacklist, it will help to stop the Adwords company in case of unavailability of the resource, check the expiration date and even more. As a result, you can generate a comprehensive report within the system itself. The free version of the program is valid for 30 days.Monitoring of a site's availability Host-trackerThe price of the package will depend on the tasks you want to solve.Host-tracker monitoring pricing#2MonitisMonitis gives 15 days of free access to the monitoring system. Follow the link to the site and add your site to the panel. To do this, click on “Start monitoring” and register: Monitis monitoring systemIn the registration form, indicate the name and surname, the company and the telephone number. Then, check the consent box and go through the captcha: Registration in MonitisAfter successful registration, proceed to work in the system:Website performance monitoring MonitisFirst, configure monitoring. Availability monitors are configured for http and https protocols. The verification method uses GET or POST. To configure server health monitoring, you will need to install additional softwar


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