While in Central Asia prolonged and direct India Phone Number List military occupation prevailed as a result of the fight against terrorism, in Latin America and the Caribbean the presence of the United States in the last 20 years it was maintained on the basis of a low-cost primacy that benefited from the strategic marginality of the region, while India Phone Number List at the same time deepening it. The regional conditions of political volatility, state deficits, structural vulnerabilities, inequality and social exclusion, extreme poverty, criminal India Phone Number List violence and illegal markets would be the breeding ground for experimentation with attempts at "stabilization", "regime change" and "construction of institutional capacity' which, as in Afghanistan, turned out to be ill-conceived and counter-productive.
The military withdrawal of the India Phone Number List US government and the dismantling of its administrative enclave in Afghanistan have triggered a new round of evaluations on the use of intervention in Washington's international projection. An unconditional withdrawal by “choice”, as Richard Haas, president of the India Phone Number List International Policy Council, put it, was more the result of a miscalculation than an urgent action imposed by the fatigue of the occupation. The departure was not forced, it had been postponed again and again by Bush and Obama to end up being poorly negotiated by Trump with the India Phone Number List Taliban, without the participation of his allies, and poorly implemented by Biden.
There is more than India Phone Number List miscalculation, since both the intervention and the exit lacked clear objectives, solid strategies and adequate instruments. Rather than reflect on the impact of this situation in our region, we propose a categorization of the multiple forms of action by means of interference that the US India Phone Number List government has adopted. The first is direct intervention with the deployment of military force, unilateral or collective, to resolve an impasse in favor of the intervening force and its domestic allies.political-institutional with a potential negative effect for the intervener. The second is indirect intervention through support for a certain elite in power via military assistance, provision of India Phone Number List weapons, training of armed and security forces and access to internal bases to promote specific public policies.